Thursday, December 28, 2006

A diamond in her pocket

It's about 2AM.....she can't sleep...she strolls out on the deck..reaches in her pocket... rubs the diamond chip between her fingers......shudders and smiles........

It's a warm night in the gulf...the aroma of ocean spray, diesel and sweat smell very sexy. Her hand grasps the hard rigid railing. Looking over the deck she gazes down at one of the immense steel and concrete pillars that penetrates the sea supporting the rig. It reminds her of their first encounter....her hand ...god, her hand isn't that big. She can't help but imagine..his stiff pillar into her ocean. She has to step away from the deck for a minute just to need to fall overboard....god....the the thought of him.......step away from the railing darlin'...LOL

Earlier in the day on the drill floor everyone gathered to see the enormous drill bit extracted for its change out. Watching this huge cylinder churn out of the drill hole was just too much for her....out it came with a final tug from the operator exposing a beautiful head dripping with a white drilling mud..... She was in fantasyland no doubt. The bit was changed...soaked parts and pieces everywhere.....the foreman gave her a diamond chip from the bit as a souvenir. . He placed it in her hand....SOAKED with white juices and he smiled at her. She tucked the diamond chip AND her thoughts safely in her Carharts. Whew...she was sweatin'. The climax started as the steel shaft started slowly returning to the churned and churned for more minutes than she had breaths...when totally in the hole there was a final plunge and lock that shook the entire drill platform.....and at that point she felt a huge rush....grasping the rigid handrailing for support. She knew this is the way it would feel. Her mind went back to another time when she clung to his chest in shear pleasure.. his voice and hands helping her through the moment.… At the very same time a rigger who had caught her eye asked, "So you felt that, eh?". All she could do was nod and laugh......and remember.

The balance of the afternoon was spent touring the rig of monstrous pillars and steel pipe...

After a boisterous dinner with the boys...she retired to the bunk area....a shower, a good soaping followed. She floated back in time to remember how he would come up on her from behind and start to play....oh how she loves surprises from behind...kisses on her neck...

Her mind also went back to another time..when the stranger whispered, “Slide back against the headboard.” Then she way beyond her control.

Her mind again went back to another time she could hear the stranger say.... “Baby…it’s time to get serious”..

Knock Knock Knock......"Just a minute!" she shouted. It was her boss and one of the riggers wanting to know if she wanted to do a little night fishing from the docking platform....."Well hell, yes, what took you so long!" she laughed.

She and five handsome fellows casting their lines....everyone had a catch while she was catching glimpses of her own...about 1AM they called it quits...back up the stairway she went...her hands grasping the round steel rigid railing thinking all the time about him. Later on this morning she will be given a tour of the tool room in which there will be cuffs, collars and harnesses......the tools of her new trade.... but she already knows where her thoughts will be.......hmmmmm..........

It's about 2AM...she can't sleep...she strolls out on the deck..reaches in her pocket ...rubs the diamond chip between her fingers......shudders and smiles........

Is that the wind picking up????

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